Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I recently discovered a poster, which got my mind wondering…

Without art, the world would have very little culture and be a very bland, boring place.  We would have no sense of style, fashion and personality.  Thanks to art, the world is a diverse, creative and innovative.

I am thankful to the world for art, as we wouldn’t have developed dance.  This got me thinking…

Where would the world be without dance?

Where would dance be without technique?


  1. Ah - a question for Corinda who has been looking into dance history?

  2. Jacob
    What a question!! Indeed very thought provoking!! As Paula mentioned, currently an interest of mine is Dance History and it's origins.
    Working backwards, there would be no computers, buildings, fashion, written word, drawings. Would we progress from cave men? But cave men cut stones to make sharp objects.. That's being creative. Accidental markings on stone when carving another stone was materialised as visual communication..

    There is evidence of drawings in caves found over 6,000 years ago, but said that these were Alien drawings!!. I think humans wouldn't have existed, therefore no art or dance or dance technique...
    There would only be flora and fauna. But in my research I briefly read about a language of dance in animals. Courtship dances amongst animals!!

    Like you Jacob, I am grateful we have the chance to be creative and live life.

    I found the following in Wikipedia;

    Wilde holds that such anti-mimesis "results not merely from Life's imitative instinct, but from the fact that the self-conscious aim of Life is to find expression, and that Art offers it certain beautiful forms through which it may realise that energy.".[1][2]

    1.Francis Charles McGrath (1999). Brian Friel's (post)colonial drama: language, illusion, and politics. University Press. pp. 19–21. ISBN 0815628137.
    2 Oscar Wilde. The Decay of Lying.

  3. yes, life without art would be very bland indeed - to me unthinkable! Music, dance, performances and anything creative gets me buzzing! I defy anyone not to love at least one song!

  4. Hi Jacob, I like this poster very much. I have also thought about this sentence before and I think arts makes life a little more beautiful and has also a sense. It is a kind of reflection and this is maybe something that connects all kinds of art: Dance, Painting, Sculpture or Graphic Design. The Artist has to bring many factors together and the audience have the opportunity to reflect on the output.
