Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Working at Speed

A point was brought up in a class that I took few weeks ago that got me thinking.  It was about moving fast enough while staying in time with the music.  The key to this is working out how to do so.  This is a new technique that I have only just picked up.

Of course, Mr. Fleming enjoys working fast not only in class, but also in his choreography.  For my ability to improve, I needed to find out how to move swiftly and effortlessly.

Some choreography may require you to dance more steps than there are counts; you need to work out how to steal time from other steps in order to execute the sequence of steps requested.  The audience does not want to see messy footwork that is out of time with the music.

During class, Mr. Fleming commented that now that I am starting to realize what is needed to complete the movements and from this, I appear to be enjoying myself and having more fun with the exercises set in class.

This epiphany made me realize that speed is a tecnique all of its own.  If we can move at speed while appearing to remaining relaxed, we can project a more confident and relaxed appearance during performance.  It also gives you an extra edge to your technique, which I have only just recently discovered, as it also makes the dancer appear more eye catching.

Thanks to Mr. Fleming I feel that I am now able to move more generously through faster movement while retain performance quality.  

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